How Are People Punished When They Park A Car In The Wrong Place? Latest Answers

Câu trả lời mẫu cho câu hỏi: How are people punished when they park a car in the wrong place?

Well, I guess it depends on the country and the traffic warden. In some cases, the most lucky drivers who park illegally may just receive a written warning attached to their car windscreen before they are given a parking ticket. In other cases, a driver may get back to the car and find a notice telling them of a fine imposed on them which they have to pay within several days. In cases when a car is parked on some spot where it’s creating a traffic hazard, the vehicle may be towed by a towing service at the driver’s own cost and expense. But whatever the case, when people park in the wrong place, the system of fines and penalties immediately comes into force, so it’s better for drivers to understand basic parking laws and be aware of how they can sometimes be unclear legally.