Câu trả lời mẫu cho câu hỏi: Do you think colours influence you?
Câu trả lời 1:
Absolutely yes. Not only do they influence our mood, but they also cause psychological and physiological reactions. For example, green is known to have soothing properties and red has been found to increase our craving for food.
Câu trả lời 2:
Definitely, yes. Colours have a big impact on me. I’ve noticed that blue reduces stress and makes me calm, whereas white makes me feel more energetic and refreshed.
Câu trả lời 3:
Definitely! For example, the colors you use to decorate your home can have a profound effect on the emotional well-being of you and makes me calm, whereas white makes me feel more energetic and refreshed.
Câu trả lời 4:
Oh yeah, I believe the importance of colours cannot be overestimated. What I want to say is what color you paint your walls isn’t just a matter of aesthetics. It’s a powerful tool that can be leveraged to affect emotions and behavior.
Câu trả lời 5:
Yeah, colours are of the utmost importance in many spheres of our lives. They have the power to change the shape and size of furnishings as well as the shape and size of the room. Sometimes they can be an extension of your personality. What is interesting is that the same colour can have different effects. Red can both boost your confidence and make you feel agitated or irritated.