Decribe A Habit Your Friend Has And You Want To Develop

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking cho chủ đề: Describe an habit your friend has and you want to develop

You should say:

  • Who your friend is
  • What habit your friend has
  • Why you want to develop this habit
  • Part 3 – Habits

Câu trả lời:

A few months ago, my best friend decided to try to drink 1,5 litres of water daily. First, she told me about her intention. She said publicly announcing her goals makes her feel the pressure of having to follow through on her goal, or otherwise let everyone down. This strategy works with me too.

A few days later she started carrying around a bottle of water at all times. It was hard not to notice. The bottle didn’t fit in her crossbody bag. So she had to carry it in hands. A little later, we went on holiday together. So I got a chance to watch her develop the habit.

Well, what she didn’t seem arduous. She drank a glass of water immediately after getting up. Also, she drank a glass of water with each meal. She carried around a bottle of water in order to consume some additional water while we were walking or exercising. Actually, this is what she’s still doing.

Well, what she didn’t seem arduous. She drank a glass of water immediately after getting up. Also, she drank a glass of water with each meal. She carried around a bottle of water in order to consume some additional water while we were walking or exercising. Actually, this is what she’s still doing.